After overhauling the User Guide, fixing a bug where B# chords had 12 flats, and switching to Xcode 4.3.2 to work around a text rendering bug on iPod touches running iOS 4.2, we finally able to submit Octavian 2.0.0 to Apple, and it should now be gracing your application updates.
Enjoy! And as always, let us know what you think!
Okay, now a quick update to chill/Concordia for 10.7 and 10.8 compatibility... sandboxes? We got your sandboxes right here!
Wow, can't believe we are already so late into 2012! We have been working hard on Octavian for a while now and are quite close to wrapping up a pretty big 2.0 update. Once the app is submitted we will provide complete details on the product page. So keep checking for updates!
Among the changes:
- Chord Progressions! This is a 12 bar sequencer where you can play chord progressions in the current scale:
- Note Dictionary! Enter notes on the keyboard and find out what scales and chords they are!
- Bug Fixes!
The long wait is over! This is a significant upgrade with improvements to every aspect of the app. They include iPad support, 500+ new scales, much better piano playback, a new Circle of Fifths interface, and much, much more.

If you are a musician, keyboard player, pianist, organist, Helvetica-fetishist,
or just have an Apple iOS device and $2.99, this is a must-have app.
You can also show your love for Octavian with an official T-shirt or bumper sticker from Zazzle.
Bitnotic's New Year started off on the right note, with the completion of Octavian 1.5! It looks and sounds fantastic and it will completely justify the expense of your iPhone, iPod, or iPad. And of course, your $2.99, which we really appreciate.
We just have to complete a new YouTube video before we can submit the update to the iTunes store. Our expert video team is assembling that as we speak, in HD.
So keep checking your App Updates and thanks again for your patience and support!
As a special holiday treat we hacked Bitnotic chill to play
variations of Jingle Bells and posted an album of songs on our
SoundCloud account. You can listen to them or download them there.

Click here or on the album art to go to SoundCloud.
Sorry about the lack of news here. We have been busily working away on various projects and are finally almost done with one of them: Octavian 1.5!
We have posted a few details about the Octavian 1.5 update on the Octavian page. This is a major overhaul of the app, with improvements in every area of the software. We have worked in all of your requests, plus added many, many new scales and chords, added lots of nice details, and improved compatibility across all of the various iOS devices.
One example of our attention to detail is that we weren't happy with how the accidentals were displaying. So we spent literally two weeks creating our own rendering engine so that B flat looks good regardless of your screen resolution. We even use the double flat and double sharp characters now instead of just drawing two flats or two sharps.
We will be submitting this any day now...just a few more details to clean up and some additional testing and it will be in your iTunes App Store updates. We will post a new YouTube video with sound at the same time we submit the app.
Once we wrap that up, we will have some news on chill and VX-626.
Thanks again for your interest and support!
Just because we haven’t been updating our blog frequently, it doesn’t mean that Bitnotic isn’t busy working on our products! We have our VX-626 release, a big update to Octavian, and even some recording projects on the horizon.
We really apologize for blowing our announced date for VX-626. Apparently a few of you are waiting for it. We think that taking the extra time to polish the user interface, test it with a wide range of DAW software, and lay down real tracks with it will be in everyone’s best interest. So we appreciate your patience. Please keep checking back or send us an email and we will notify you when it is available.
Another free update to Octavian will make its way onto the iTunes App Store in the near future. The current iPhone/iPod Octavian will receive some nice new features. Plus, we’re going to release a super-sized version for the iPad, which takes advantage of the larger screen size and computing power.
What else? The VX-323 is in the studio, working on his next album of robo-synthpop. He has been using VX-626, and, despite being obsoleted, is enjoying working with his replacement.
Also, we’ve got some big plans for chill. That upgrade will arrive towards the end of the year, but, like all of our upcoming releases, it will be well worth the wait!
If you have purchased chill 1.5 and are running into problems with your registration getting wiped out when you clear your Mac’s caches, send us an email at and we will hook you up with a fix. The features are the same as chill 1.5, so unless you are having these specific problems, the update is optional.