MIDI Speech Synthesizer
Current Version: 1.0.0, for Mac OS X 10.5+

Arriving April 2010

The next generation of speech synthesis software instrument.

Audio Unit for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6, and newer. Compatible with GarageBand, Apple Logic, Ableton Live, and other AU hosts.

VX-626 1.0 Features

Feature What It Means
Audio Unit Run VX-626 natively in GarageBand, Logic, Ableton Live, and other AU Hosts
Apple Speech Synthesis Use any of Apple's 24 high-quality system voices
4-note Polyphony Each track can play up to 4 notes simultaneously
Keymaps Up to 32 keymaps spread across the MIDI keyboard. Each keymap can have its own text, speech options, and tuning settings.
Speech Options Rate (WPM), intonation, prosody, spell, count.
Tuning Settings Octaves, semitones, and fixed pitch
ADSR Envelope Adjust amplitude over time
Robovox (Ring Modulator) Apply robotic effect to any voice
Vibrato & Tremolo Real-time control of expressiveness
High-Pass, Low-Pass, and Band-Pass Filters Filter frequencies for mixing or FX
Assignable Controllers Map real-time MIDI controllers (velocity, pitch bend, mod wheel, et al.) to different speech and audio destinations